Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Somerville Bike Path

What's the deal with the expansion of the bike path to Lechmere station of the green line from Davis?

In the fall they finally paved over the tracks on the street at Cedar and put a real walkway there. And it looks like they have cleared away the trees a bit on what will be the path, but the rail lines are still there after Cedar Street.

I looked online to see if there was any news about this expansion, but I didn't see anything. Bummer.

I want it to warm up so I can start biking again!


Jeff Cutler said...

Biking paths in Somerville are underway, but like you I don't know the actual finish dates or opening dates or if there's going to be any ribbon cutting or what-not.

I'll check with the gf, she works for the city and mentioned something about it back in November.

Glad you're posting a bit more lately. I bookmarked the page and then watched it languish. Maybe a happy medium of one post every other day instead of 42 posts in one day all about Tivo might be nice.

Just my $.04.

Bowl of Cheese

DJDiva said...

Cool - I will be happy to hear when it will open.

I had a busy few weeks :) I'm going to be better! Promise!