OMG I don't know why no one at MAC ever told me about Fluidline before. WHY did they wait so long to tell me? I have been using an inferior pencil from them for my eyeliner for YEARS.
Not that their pencil was bad really. I loved it - nice and charcoaly (is that a word?) and it blended nicely with one of their dark eye shadows.
But fluidline is so great! It stays on ALL day long! It's waterproof! It doesn't smudge once it dries (really)! AND it didn't transfer to the top of my eye when I blinked like the pencil does. You know when you get that annoying line from your eye liner right below your eyebrow in the completely wrong place? No more with this stuff. It's not really a liquid either - it's a gel that you paint on.
I vow to never use pencil eyeliner again.
Using this over the paint pot bare study I think - it really doesn't crease all day and wears well.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Fluidline = Awesome
Posted by
10/31/2007 05:15:00 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
I really hate the post office. Of course, now that I say that my postal worker will stop delivering my mail. But I just don't get it.
There are many reasons I hate the post office. But here's the few I can think of off the top of my head:
1: Every time I go into the post office- there is one or *maybe* two people working behind the desk. The line is almost out the door. If I am lucky I only wait a half hour.
Why aren't there more workers at the desk? I can hear people shuffling around in the back, can't they come up and help? When I worked at a grocery store in high school - if they got busy they called people from around the store to come up and help ring people in. Why the fuck can't the post office do this? If I was this unhelpful at my job I'd be fired! People were more helpful at a minimum wage supermarket job.
2: My old postal worker REFUSED to deliver any packages. I used to live in a condo in Brighton. My condo faced the back so I could never see when the postal worker was there. But they had a key to put packages inside the doors. I shop online a lot. I'm online for my job already and I love to shop, so it's just natural that I shop online frequently. I lived there for 5 years. I had the Brighton post office on speed dial because I had to call to complain so many times. This freaking guy REFUSED TO EVER EVER EVER ring the bell to give me the package, or leave it with the super, or leave it inside the locked doors.
I called and left instructions, complained, sent letters, went down to the post office - nothing changed. He would just leave the card "we tried to deliver this and you weren't here. Pick up your package at the post office." fuck you asshole - I WAS HOME RING THE BELL!! My Ex worked from home so there was NEVER a time he could have rang the bell and I "missed it". I told the manager at my local post office that if I sucked that bad and refused to ACTUALLY do my job (which his is to deliver the mail, not slips for me to go pick it up) that I would be FIRED! Why is there no accountability at the post office? I would then schedule a redelivery - once again another fucking "sorry me missed you card". It made me insane. I'm sure this guy did it to fuck with me. And I couldn't do anything. Unless I can force all businesses to ship via Fed Ex or UPS I have to use the stupid USPS.
A search on the Better Business Bureau on the post office turns up more than 200 results. All have "Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record with the BB due to failure to respond to a complaint". SHOCKING.
One time the bell rang. I couldn't believe it. I ran down to get the package and I said "so you finally started ringing them bell." He said "oh I'm not your regular postal guy, he's on vacation." So I got one package delivered once - by the guy filling in for my guy on vacation. UGH
3: The website is almost unusable. Links don't click to anything - like the "click here for live 24/7 support" nothing happens. That's cool. What's the #1 thing you probably want to do on the USPS website? Complain? Probably. But seriously, I would think it's to buy stamps. That’s on the second level of navigation, 3rd one in. I would think it would be on the top left the first place I look. It took me a minute to realize where it was.
4: When trying to track a package online I get 'sorry we don't know anymore info; please contact your local post office'. Why would my local office know more? Shouldn't the website be able to give me SOME info? I shipped something 19 days ago and it's STILL not there. I paid for insurance.
I called the 800 number. A woman answered and she knew NOTHING. She told me what the website said. UM if you work for the post office - can't you find out anything? How can this package be lost? There is a label number on it - why can't anymore info be found out about it!?
She's said you have to go down to where you mailed it and ask them. Fucking great. I can't wait to sit in another 30 minute line at the post office. I said well if this is truly lost when do I get my few hundred dollars back that I insured it for? She said I can't try to claim it until Nov 3rd because that is still within a reasonable time it could be delivered. Ridiculous. 21+ days to deliver a package within the United States? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Are they using carrier pigeon to ship them?
5: I once sent back something I ordered online. It came with a return address label - so I used the one that came with the package. The To and From were both about the same font size. But I would think one could see the difference between the TO address and From address.
Weeks passed and the company hadn't got my return.
Finally one day the package came back to me!!! The fucking post office shipped it back to me!!!! To the FROM Address rather than the TO address. WTFG. So I had to go down to the Brighton post office AGAIN and tell them to ship to the TO address and REFUSED to pay for that again - it was their fault that it took them 3 weeks to ship the package back to the town I shipped it from. And where was it for 3 weeks? Did it even leave Boston? And WHY did that take 3 weeks? I could have walked to deliver it faster.
And Finally 6: Another time I ordered something online. When the package arrived it had been ripped open and was missing everything that was supposed to be in it. The package looked like it had survived a war. Wasn't the postal worker that delivered it embarrased that it was empty? didn't they notice there was NOTHING inside the package. Oh wait... Actually there WAS something in the almost empty box. OTHER PEOPLE'S MAIL!! Like 10 letters for random other people had fallen into the box - people that didn't live on my street, or my town. I had to put those back in the mailbox and hope they got delivered. I then had to call the company I placed the order with and tell them about the empty box. They re-shipped the package. This time via FedEx (got there fast and all in tact).
The Post office claims they have to raise the price of shipping, stamps, etc because other shippers are taking away their business and costs go up. Perhaps if they could ship packages properly we wouldn't be using other shippers. Now letters get sent fine - they seem to do that well. But I do everything online so I rarely actually send mail. It's the packages that always get screwed up.
Oh shit I thought of one other thing. several times - about 5 times my magazines haven't made it to me. Maybe they get stolen in the mail? Stolen by my neighbors? I don't know, but when I call the magazine companies won't send out another copy- they only extend the subscription. Fine but I wanted the magazine I missed! When I called the post office they knew nothing. I don't know who's fault this one is the magazine? thiefs? the post office? All I know is I didn't get my magazines!
Man I hate the post office they really piss me off!
Posted by
10/29/2007 10:20:00 PM
Labels: Post Office, Questionable User Experience, Shipping Packages, ui, user interface, USPS, Website Design
It's a Good Day to be a Boston Sports Fan
It must suck to live in other cities right now. Well, for sports anyway. Boston rocks!
The Pats are 8-0 which is just incredible. But even better than that, they have scored over 30 points each game they've played this season. Each game! Randy Moss catches balls that no one else could. And Brady even ran for 2 TDs yesterday! They don't just win, they are winning with scores like 52-7, 49-28, 48-27, 38-14. The Pats are tying or breaking records each week.
And people were worried about tapes? UM seems the Jets have only won 1 game since then - it's doubtful we ever got some kind of advantage with those tapes. Sorry Jets fans.
Then as if our day wasn't already great in Boston - the Red Sox SWEEP the world series!
I sat in amazement as that last pitch was thrown. Strike. It's over. I can't believe that we have won 2 times in the last 4 years - after the 86 year drought / curse. I do recognize we have the 2nd highest payroll in baseball, but the Yankess have the highest and didn't even make it to the ACLS.
They are going to start comparing Francona with Belichick. Wow has the entire homepage dedicated to the Sox.
Bostonians can truly be happy for about a week, then there will be something else to bitch about again. :)
Posted by
10/29/2007 08:21:00 AM
Labels: Baseball, Boston, Football, Patriots, Red Sox, Sports
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Annoying Flash Sites
I love cool design. I do. I'm a UI Designer - I hope I like design.
I love excellent design of all kinds: Clothes, Shoes, Handbags, Houses, Cars, Buildings, Websites... you name it.
I think flash can do some really cool things, but most sites that are all flash just annoy me. Why you ask? Because I can't use the fucking back button.
My mental model is that the BACK button should take me BACK to the previous page, not kick me out to the homepage of the entire site. I HATE this about flash sites.
Uniqlo, the site I love to hate, does exactly that. And now I was just on Mazda's site trying to look at the CX-7. I looked at the exterior and wanted to go back to see the interior. What happens when I click back? Well I am back on the freaking homepage where I have to one AGAIN select which vehicle I want to look at. I already DID THAT. I shouldn't have to do that again!
If you want to use flash on your site - great. Find a way to have the back button still work!!
Posted by
10/28/2007 10:20:00 PM
Labels: Annoying Flash Sites, Design, Questionable User Experience, ui, user interface, Website Design
Moonstruck Chocolates
About 4 years ago I saw some show on the Food Network talking about how great the chocolates are at Moonstruck - so I ordered some from their website. They were quite tasty. But shipping chocolates across the country can get expensive. So I only ordered from them twice.
I went to the Natick Collection the opening week - what a zoo that was. Fucking insane. No one can drive - people are tring to enter where it says do not enter and then giving me the finger because I'm coming out (the right way) and they are annoyed I'm not letting them into a do not enter. Idiot assholes. But aside from trying to park at the Natick Collection the rest of the new mall is pretty damn nice. Anyway, opening week walking around there were still a bunch of stores that hadn't opened yet. One was Moonstruck! I was really excited they were coming to the east coast finally.
Today when I was back at the Natick Collection - Moonstruck is open! YEY! So I got 6 chocolates and they sure are tasty.
Posted by
10/28/2007 07:01:00 PM
Labels: Chocolate, Desserts, Food, Moonstruck, Natick Collection
If it was possible to Love Tom Brady More...
Then that's how I feel today. I love Tom Brady! I love Vrabel. I love Randy Moss. I love the Patriots. It's 45-0 right now against the Redskins and we're in the 4th quarter. Tom Brady is on FIRE this season! Randy Moss catches the most insane passes. Passes no one has any business catching - somehow he does it. It's amazing.
Next week is the Colts now that is going to be a crazy game. The Pats better win I will be so pissed if Manning wins that game.
and in about an hour I can watch the Red Sox in game 4 of the World Series up 3-0 in the series.
It's an amazing season to be a Boston fan.
Update: 52-0 with 5 minutes left. Amazing.
Ok so with 3 minutes left the Redskins finally scored making it not completely a blowout. Making it 52-7.
I have a friend [and Rams fan - not sure why :P] that claims the Patriots only ever win by a field goal. That may have happened in some games, but not anymore. Oh and they tied a recond by the Rams today which I was quite happy to hear.
Who knew the Patriots were going to be their own Fantasy Football team this year? I should have just drafted the whole team!
Posted by
10/28/2007 06:45:00 PM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, Patriots, Randy Moss, Red Sox, Redskins, Tom Brady
The Natick Collection
The new Natick Collection is like mecca for me. I swear I hear angels singing as I enter Nordstrom's. Maybe it's just the piano? Maybe it's all in my head. Who cares? In my world this is what heaven is like. Lots of shoes, handbags, and clothes. Only fabulous ones that fit fantastic and mirrors that make you look great. Oh and price is no issue. There is no budget. Now THAT is heaven!
I was with my boyfriend so I had to curb my spending. Such a travesty. There were some great Cole Haan Yolanda boots but they didn't have a 7.5. I could order them, but I have to make sure there are no other boots I want more.
Looking at them more I'm pretty sure I want them. I love the 3 buckles.
Ok I must have them.
I called and ordered them. YEY! OH AND... they have Nike Air in the sole which will make them super comfy to wear. Even better!
Now for those Manolos... Neiman's and Norstrom's didn't have them in their stores yet.
Posted by
10/28/2007 05:33:00 PM
Labels: Boots, Cole Haan, Fashion, Natick Collection, Nordstrom, Online Shopping, Shoes
Ummmmm WTF?
So what's up with the Miami /Giants regular season game being played today in England? Why England? And REALLY 0-6 MIAMI!??? I guess at least it's against the Giants who are doing pretty well. But that is like watching pros play against college students they are going to CRUSH Miami.
Are we trying to get the Europeans into American Football? Seems they are pretty rooted in Soccer - why would they suddenly latch onto American Football? As much as they try to get Americans into Soccer - it has never caught on here like it has in other countries. So why would it work the other way around? I mean I love football, I don't know why it's not popular worldwide - but I grew up on it so it's just embedded in me. And I DOUBT watching Miami - who frankly blows this year - will get people excited about football. Why not send the Patrtiots, the Cowboys, the Colts? A team that people would be EXCITED to see play?
And now Miami is going to be EVEN WORSE if that is possible - Ronnie Brown is out for the season - he needs surgery. I had him on my fantasty team - he was one of my big FP earners and now I had to draft someone else. Sucks. Lemon looks like he has potential to be a decent QB, and Miami does have Jason Taylor(maybe he should play for the Patriots next year??) but the team needs more than 2 decent healthy players. People want to see a close game - not a blowout. Maybe Miami can rally, but it's doubtful.
Wonder if the game is sold out, and how much the Brits will like it? Do they even know the rules of the game? The game is much more fun once you know what is happening. But whatever we'll see how it goes...
Posted by
10/28/2007 11:29:00 AM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, London, Miami Dolphins, NY Giants, Sports
Manolo's Open-Toe Watersnake Pump
What a great shoe for holiday parties! This is one of the new arrival shoes from Manolo Blahnik at Neiman's.
I love the snakeskin black and silver pattern mixed with leopard and the cute rhinestones that make is perfect for the holidays.
These can look great with a little black dress, a gunmetal charcoal dress, or black cigarette pants. Like these Milly cigarette pants:
Posted by
10/28/2007 10:54:00 AM
Labels: Designer Clothes, Fashion, Manolo Blahnik, Milly, Neiman Marcus, Online Shopping, Shoes, Shopping
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Kick Ass Cupcakes
So looks like Kick Ass Cupcakes is really taking off... I got a "Zagat Buzz" email yesterday praising them and this new great place in trendy Davis. Not so new for me anymore ;)
They loved the Lucky and the Mojito (which are my two favorites as well).
Posted by
10/25/2007 06:21:00 PM
Labels: Davis Square, Desserts, Food, Kick Ass Cupcakes
Sunday, October 21, 2007
I LOVE Tom Brady
Have I said that before? I love Tom Brady. For so many reasons.
I have Tom Brady, Randy Moss, and the Patriots defense on my fantasy team. I wish I had drafted Wes Welker too.
the score is 42-7 and it's only HALFTIME WOOOO HOOOOOO
What's not to love?
Posted by
10/21/2007 02:35:00 PM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, Patriots, Randy Moss, Sports, Tom Brady
Fox Fantasy Football SUCKS
Fucking Fox sports hosted by msn blows. It's the worst. I have been attempting to update my fantasty team for 45 minutes and I can't even get a page to load!
when I finally got the page to load and tried to change up who was on my bench and save the changes. I got a fucking server error. If you want to host fantasy sports you need to have enough servers to handle the bandwidth! WTF
Meanwhile my Yahoo team was a breeze to edit - even at 12:50. Perhaps I should have tried before 12:15 to update my team, but one would assume with a high speed internet connection I could actually update my team in a timely manor. What a fool I was. In the time I started this bitchy post - the game has started and the Patriots have already scored a touchdown a few minutes into the game.
I STILL can't get the stupid page to load. Fox Sucks. It even caused my browser to crash numerous times. AND I was running firefox and IE just to see which would come up first. Firefox crashed and closed the browser alltogether. I hate Fox sports right now.
I have been attempting to update my team for a FULL HOUR now. This is bullshit.
UPDATE: thank god the defense I was attempting to take off the bench wasnt playing until 4:15 so I was able to finally save my team update at 1:39 pm - one hour and 20 minutes after I started - WTG fox sports. you rock. grrrrrrr. The Pats got 2 tds and an interception during this whole thing and Miami even manage to score one. And by the time I was able to even finish typing this the Pats ran back a 75 yard kick for yet another TD.
Posted by
10/21/2007 01:06:00 PM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, Fox Sports, Patriots, Sports
I wish I had an event to wear this to
I really like this Nina Ricci dress.
The color and sparkle are really wild on this, with feathers! I'm not sure I've ever liked anything with feathers on it before. It looks like this dress would really catch the light nicely. Certainly a dress that would spark discussion.
This dress is way too expensive for me - $5,950.00 - WOW! I really need to find a better paying job! If I had a lot of money and fancy events to go to this winter I would be wearing this.
Posted by
10/21/2007 10:45:00 AM
Labels: Designer Clothes, Dresses, Fashion, Neiman Marcus, Nina Ricci, Online Shopping, Shopping
Nili Lotan
So I know Vogue loves Nili Lotan shirts. I saw them at Barneys and Tess (in Newton Center), but I didn't get it. they were ok, but I didn't really feel the $250 love.
Why is this shirt so much better than a Thomas Pink shirt? It looks like it may be more worn and comfortable, but is it that much more comfortable?
I hadn't ruled them out though. I'm still considering a Nili Lotan shirt, but I think I like the Thomas Pink one's more - I like a slightly more fitted shirt on women. A few of them [Nili Lotan] looked too drab though - and I feel like the Alex B&W pattern dress reminds me of either a grandmother's house dress from the 1930s, or shirts I have seen in photos of holocaust victims. Which made me really upset, why make a shirt reminiscent of such a horrific event.
But then I see this pea coat from the Fall 2007 collection and I really like it. A nice bright red color with silver buttons.
This is the kind of coat you could have for years - a classic.
Posted by
10/21/2007 12:39:00 AM
Labels: clothes, Designer Clothes, Nili Lotan, Online Shopping, Shopping, Thomas Pink
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Furla Handbags
Bright colors seem to be all the rage this season, as is patent leather. I don't think I own one orange thing in my wardrobe (maybe for fear I'd look like a pumpkin), but I really love this bag. I don't think I'd buy it because I would probably never use it. But if I had all kinds of money to blow on shoes and handbags this would be one of my splurges. But back to reality. I need a classic handbag I can use everyday.
There is something funky about Furla's Frida bag, maybe it's the combination of the shape and the color. Maybe it's the shiny patent. It looks like a bowling ball bag, but there is something about it. Maybe you can buy it and let me borrow it one night :)
And Furla just announced (on October 19th) that they are going to open 3 or 4 more stores in 2008. Let's hope that means one in Boston so I don't have to drive all the way to New York City to get a bag!
Posted by
10/20/2007 05:04:00 PM
Labels: Furla, Handbags, Online Shopping, Shopping
Green with Envy
In Harper's Bazaar October issue they show this awesome Green Satin Marc Jacobs shoe for $695:
Now I have no idea what I would actually wear this with? A black cocktail dress? Perhaps... but they are so cute I want them. I will then have to buy an outfit to match! ha ha It looks like the dark greens and purples could be big this winter.
I tried to Google these to see what stores are carrying them and it seems like none so far. I went to Marc Jacobs, Bloomingdales, Saks, Neiman's websites and none had this shoe.
I will have to keep checking to see when they will be available. Looks like it could be a great shoe for all those holiday parties this winter.
Posted by
10/20/2007 04:31:00 PM
Labels: Marc Jacobs, Shoes, Shopping
Friday, October 19, 2007
ohhhh pretty...
So Jonathan Kelsey, a former designer of Jimmy Choo shoes has started his own line.
I am digging it. There don't seem to be a lot of shoes yet, but the ones I see are pretty darn cool looking. The heels are funky.
I love this shoe:
The patent is shiny, but not obnoxious - and I love the edging and the studs on the side. At $735.00 it's not cheap, but consider it a good investment in art.
I really like these other ones too. I don't think I would wear them, well maybe I would . They are pretty funky. Probably a little too trendy for the price, although $585.00 isn't terrible... I really like the look and the color of them:
I think Jonathen Kelsey has potential to become a big shoe designer. I just read an article where they claimed he would become the "British Christian Louboutin". that is quite a claim.
Posted by
10/19/2007 11:41:00 AM
Labels: Boots, Jimmy Choo, Jonathan Kelsey, Shoes, Shopping
Why men should invest in a good pair of shoes
Buying expensive shoes is not necessarily an expense; it's more like an investment.
read more digg story
Men seem to hate to spend money, unless it's on: video games, plasma tvs, some kind of electronics like the tv, or their vehicles. Everything else they seem to want the cheapest possible. and usually it shows.
So I just came across this article in and this guy talks about how men should really invest in a good pair of shoes. Really it's worth it. buy a good pair and they will really last a lifetime.
Let's just compare the money saved if you buy a pair of $40 shoes every year you will spend about $2400 in your lifetime on this one kind of shoe (I'm not counting sneakers etc). Now if you went out and bought 1 pair for $400-$700 and that pair lasts you a lifetime - you've saved money!
The guy on says:
Let's put it this way: $80 shoes will last half as long as $160 shoes, but $360 shoes will last your whole lifetime. Watch out though, $360 shoes without a shine can easily look like $80 shoes. When someone is buying expensive shoes, he is usually paying for the brand name, as well as for quality craftsmanship.
Luxurious shoes are usually handmade, which means people will take care of sewing quality seams and guarantee a quality finish. The shoes should therefore have less manufacturing mistakes, have a better overall finish and should last longer. The little details added in the finish create an extra element of style. They will also increase the durability of the shoe.
Posted by
10/19/2007 11:24:00 AM
Labels: Men's Shoes, Online Shopping, Shoes, Shopping
Fashion Trend: The Spectator Shoe
Last fall I bought a pair of black Stuart Weitzman Spectators. Spectators look like men's oxfords with a heel (sometimes they are called correspondent shoes). I thought they were so cute. They had this great 1920s look and yet still look modern. They look cute with jeans, dressy pants, skirts, and dresses. So it’s a pretty versatile shoe. The heel was pretty high, but the platform helped make walking easier. Plus I have to admit I love how tall heels make me so I usually say the higher the better - who cares if I can't walk?
Somehow Stuart Weitzman makes really high heels easy to walk in and relatively comfortable. I own a lot of his shoes. Bloomingdales always has a good selection, and depending where you live there are whole bunch of Stuart Weitzman stores. Copley Plaza has one.
This fall, it seems the Spectators are even more popular as every shoe maker seems to be making a version of them. And this looks like a style that will come back again years from now and still look cool (not like fluorescent t-shirts).
Here's a really cute pair of Stuart Weitzman's - they are actually different from the pair I bought last year - the heel is smaller on these:
It's called the Mendoza-Platform and they are $298.00 at Bloomingdale's often has good sales and you can get them for less there. These look like they would looks super cute with a skirt or jeans.
Fendi has a cute patent leather peep toe one at Barneys for $710.00:
These patent Moschino's are cute, but at $460.00, I'm not sure they are 'cheap and chic' like their name suggests (I guess it's all relative):
This is my must have pair - sort of a take on the spectator. I think I am literally going down to Barneys today to buy these Marc Jacobs for $450.00, I LOVE THEM:
Posted by
10/19/2007 10:16:00 AM
Labels: Boots, Fashion, Fendi, Marc Jacobs, Moschino, Online Shopping, Shoes, Shopping, Stuart Weitzman, Trends
Kick Ass Cupcakes
One day when I was walking or running (I can't remember which I was doing) through Davis Square - I suddenly see a sign for 'Coming Soon - Kick Ass Cupcakes'. I thought wow that sounds promising. I love cupcakes.
Then I waited... Seems like day after day - maybe even months I ran past there and there was no change. I was afraid Kick Ass wasn't coming soon after all. I was so sad…
On Labor Day I was at a friend's BBQ and the discussion amongst the women turned to: when exactly Kick Ass Cupcakes was going to open. The men were confused they said things like: "It's just a cupcake, what's the big deal?" or "get a piece of cake isn't it the same thing" No no no, my friend, it is not.
A cupcake is like your own little piece of heaven. It's an entire self contained unit with a perfect (if done right) ratio of frosting to cake. And everyone has their own special way of eating one. I personally like to rip it in half and eat the bottom half first - (the cake only part) and then eat the top half that has lots of frosting with a little cake. MMMMM yummy.
The men looked baffled and the women were annoyed they couldn't just accept that women have a love affair with the cupcake. Get over it boys and just accept.
Days later, I was running on my usual route and I it was open! I was sooooo excited! It was pretty packed - mostly with women trying to get their sugar fix on cupcakes.
I ran home and told my boyfriend who once again said "now why is it that cupcakes are so special and we have to run down to this place?" I said because I'm a woman, women loves cupcakes, just accept it. He finally agreed, but also added that these would probably taste the same as every cupcake we've ever tried and not be 'kick ass'. I probably made a face.
So... we get down there that night and it's packed. Once again it’s a 90/10% of women to men ratio. My boyfriend seemed embarrassed I've dragged him "to a cupcake place" - whatever they all know he's with his girlfriend who obviously dragged him there. So we each order one. My expectations are high with a name like kick ass, plus I also don't want to hear flack from the boyfriend if they suck. Because I will never live that one down.
We get home and I bite into my cupcake - the Lucky cupcake - gold cake, vanilla frosting, and candied ginger on top. OMG it TRULY IS A PIECE OF HEAVEN!!! It's one of the best cupcakes I've ever tasted in my life! I think I devour this cupcake it about half a second. And then I'm sad because I only bought one. My boyfriend got a chocolate cupcake with vanilla frosting. I notice he also eats his very quickly. He then says "wow that was a pretty awesome cupcake". I said SEEE this is why women love cupcakes!
I had also taken a menu and read each flavor carefully. They all sound so good. I start to plan my next order. I also notice they offer delivery for 12 or more cupcakes. That could come in handy on a very bad day!
So now we go back almost once a week. But now we order 2 each. The folks at kick ass put them in a little bakery box that has one of those coffee like tray holders to keep each cupcake upright and not bumping into the others. Genius!!! Every time we go back it's packed - with that 90/10 ratio but my boyfriend is apparently over that because he's pretty happy to order his 2 cupcakes.
I recommended Kick Ass to another friend (well anyone that will listen to me really), but anyway... She went with a friend and was skeptical. But once they had that little bite of heaven they were hooked. This stuff is like crack. She was also disappointed that she hadn't bought two.
Kick Ass Cupcakes rocks and I hope they become a Davis institution for a long time. I look forward to many more tasty cupcakes. If you go to check it out save being disappointed – order two cupcakes right up front – you won’t regret it!
Posted by
10/19/2007 09:45:00 AM
Labels: Davis Square, Desserts, Food, Kick Ass Cupcakes, Somerville
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Idiot Drivers
Today I was behind a woman who was more concerned with fixing her hair than driving. Since she was doing this she couldn't then drive the speed limit.. so she was driving really slow while she tried to 'fix' her hair.
The wicked annoying thing - I was behind her at 3 different red lights - did she fix her hair while at the red light? NO!! She waits until she starts driving again to start fucking with it and looking in the mirror at it! What an idiot! Stop screwing with your hair and drive - pay attention to the road!
Then twice today I was behind a person that was driving in the right lane (of a 2 lane road) and then put their left blinker on and took a left turn - from the right lane - crossing over the left lane cutting off the left lane traffic to take the turn. Who does this? WTF is wrong with you!? and it happened TWICE - two different people! ARGH
Posted by
10/18/2007 07:02:00 PM
Labels: commute, Driving In Massachusetts, Idiot Drivers, Somerville
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Driving in Somerville
Somerville is only 4 square miles. Yet it can take you a good hour to get from one side to the other. Well maybe not an hour, but definitely a half hour. What is the deal? It makes me crazy sometimes.
this morning when trying to drive to work they had cedar street closed off in the middle. So I had to drive around all the way up into winter hill (because that is where the closest cross street I could take a left onto was... UGH)
That wasted a good 10 minutes of my morning driving closer to Cambridge to get to Arlington on my way to work. Annoying.
But they finally paved over the railroad tracks on Cedar at the beginning of the bike path. Does this mean they really are starting work on continuing the path into Cambridge?
Posted by
10/17/2007 10:55:00 PM
Labels: Bike Path, commute, Driving In Massachusetts, Somerville, Traffic
Ghost Hunters
This is just the coolest show. I love Ghost Hunters.
I don't know how these guys investigate these hauntings and keep their cool. I would freak out! Yet I think it could be really cool to do. Can you imagine capturing a ghost on audio? or better yet on camera? or to see something in person?
Often they debunk that it's haunted, but the times they prove a place is haunted - it's crazy freaky.
On Halloween they are going to have a live show! It's either going to be boring or crazy - they are going back to a place they have already proved is haunted. And they have people that want to be the next investigator. I can't imagine my first shot is on Halloween and live! Those people must be freaking out.
Posted by
10/17/2007 09:24:00 PM
Labels: Ghost Hunters, SciFi, TV
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Red Sox :(
What's happening? We've fallen apart these last two games.
I want Josh Beckett back. Isn't he supposed to be back next game?
Maybe I posted that too soon.... is this a comeback? Ramirez makes it 7-3.. hmmm there's hope yet.
Posted by
10/16/2007 10:15:00 PM
we might be vanilla but our labs are chocolate
Found it. I love this video!!!
It starts with "where my wasps at"? Hillarious. I love that the guys are wearing the sweaters tied around their necks and khakis with whales on them. Funny stuff. I'm glad the bad sweater pic reminded me of this video.
Posted by
10/16/2007 09:42:00 PM
Labels: prep-unit, sweaters, tea partay, videos
This is the new site I love to hate
I'm back to Uniqlo. The site makes me crazy. But I've said enough about that.
Posted by
10/16/2007 09:16:00 PM
Labels: clothes, Fashion, Online Shopping, Uniqlo
Amy Winehouse
So I love Amy Winehouse's album - Back To Black.
'Tears Dry on Their Own' is my favorite song off the album. It's such a great song I can't help belting it out in the car. I'm sure to anyone else in the car's dismay.
I just love the sound of this album - it's like retro soul, jazz, blues. I think she has a great voice. It's good stuff.
What's strange to me is that it seems every single kind of radio station is playing her now. From the pop stations, to independent radio, to alternative rock. Kind of odd, but whatever.
Rumor has it that Prince wants to work with her on a project. Now that could be awesome!
But men don't seem to dig her as much as women. Is is that heroin sheek look that's the turn off? She is way too skinny - and then wears that giant beehive that may possibly weigh more than the rest of her body. I have heard she admits to be anorexic and doing heroin. yikes. I hope this isn't the next Janis Joplin because I am already looking forward to future albums.
Posted by
10/16/2007 08:18:00 PM
Labels: Amy Winehouse, Blues, Jazz, music, Soul
men and jeans
What's with men and old beat up jeans? Men want to wear their jeans until the fabric disintegrates off of them and they are left with just the button. Why? I don't really get this.
I definitely wear my jeans. But I have so many pairs they are in a rotation. I have never worn a pair of jeans until they just fell apart. I didn't know it was possible. Apparently, according to men, it is.
I donate my jeans to goodwill before that happens. I get bored with them. Goodwill must really like me I give them a lot of nice clothes. Some I've never ended up wearing.
Why can't guys just buy enough pairs so that they can have a rotation too and not be forced to wear a pair into the ground? I think there is a 10 pair minimum. And they can't all be the exact same ones 10 times. 10-15 different pairs.
Because guys need the work ones that they paint in and whatever it is they are doing when they think they are being handy - they still need some cheapy jeans. I'm ok with that, but those become nasty and shouldn't be worn other than for doing these handy things. Once there are holes in them they are no longer acceptable jeans to "go out in".
And men need to spend some time and find a pair that fits and looks nice. What's wrong with that? Men think nothing of blowing an entire weekend watching sports, but tell them to spend an hour or two looking for a good pair of jeans and they almost implode. oh. my. god. the. horror. shopping for two hours. boo hoo suck it up.
I think men should find a few nice pairs of jeans they can dress up or down and still look good. If you are spending a lot on a pair - make sure they are a classic fit and wash - so that you get a lot of wear out of them.
Diesel makes a nice dark wash boot cut men's jean. I think it's perfect. And I'm not recommending jeans with foo foo designer stuff on the back pocket. Only chicks like that, well and feminine men do too (which I enjoy) but I'm trying to get nice straight guys to get a decent pair of jeans.
Here's the Diesel's: They are the Zathan 71S Boot-Cut Jeans
They are not cheap at $200. But they look stylish and classic at the same time, and they have a simple back pocket. These won't go out of style at the end of 2007. A good investment on a pair of men's jeans if you ask me.
Diesel also has another great casual style for men: Zathan 8GB Jeans. they look kind of slouchy like men seem to love. Here's another great Diesel style: Oil-Stained Viker 72C Jeans.
7 for all mankind makes some really nice looking men's jeans as well. I like the standard detroit jeans. Their pockets are a little more stylized than diesel, but not too bad. I think it's still manly enough. They have a whole bunch of different styles. I like most of them.
Neiman's has a great feature: you can shop for the jeans by pocket - so you can quickly rule out all the definite NO's right away.
Rock and Republic make great women's jeans, but I think the men's ones are too foofy for straight men. No straight guy is going to wearing giant flourishy R's on there ass pocket. I don't think they will anyway. I've never seen it.
Guess, Calvin Klein, and DKNY also make some pretty nice straight forward jeans for men. And these jeans are usually at Macy's and aren't quite as expensive as the other brands.
Posted by
10/16/2007 06:44:00 PM
Labels: 7 for all Mankind, Designer Clothes, Diesel, Jeans, Men's Jeans, Online Shopping, Shopping
'designer' Levi's
So Levi's, the standard for jeans for so many years, must have felt their market share shrink with the dawn of designer denim.
I have wondered for a while what exactly they were going to do about all this designer denim that has taken over. Because what girl doesn't want Swarovski crystal on their ass sometimes. I know I do!
And everyone - man and woman - knows how hard it is to find a good looking pair of jeans that fit well. Fit is crucial. It's such a pain finding jeans that fit well. and when you find a designer that makes a fit you like - you know you can keep coming back to that designer. This is why I love 7 for all mankind jeans.
I figured Levi's would either fade away, start getting sold at Wal-Mart (maybe they already are sold there? I don’t know what Wal-Mart sells), or come up with their own version of designer denim.
Because it seems like everyone and their mother is buying designer denim. And what shocks me people that don't have a lot of money aren't bothered by buying a $200 pair of jeans if they fit. It appears to me the bulk of Jasmine Sola's business is built on selling designer denim. I see high school kids, college students wearing $200 jeans and I wonder how on earth can they afford this? I was so poor in college. I thought $50 jeans were "crazy expensive" then. Ah how times have changed..... Jeans have to hit the $260+ mark for me to consider them "expensive" now.
But back to Levi's. It seems initially Levi's solved the problem by suing people. (another article) Maybe because they know they missed the boat on designer denim. I mean were the people in charge at Levi's asleep when this happened? I've been buying 7 for all mankind jeans for years now. I think I now have 15 pairs. Plus Rock and Republic, True Religion, BCBG, and J & Company jeans. It took Levi's 6 years to catch up on designer denim?? When it started everyone knew Levi's. I mean when Levi's were the king of jeans they had two "competitors" if we can call them that: Wrangler and Lee. but we all know EVERYONE wanted Levi's over the other two. Now there are like 30 different brands of expensive denim and Levi's is just one in a sea of many.
Now they finally have decided to join in the fun with the launch of their new jeans: 'CapitalE'. But why so late to the game? And really these Levi's better make me lose 10 lbs if they are going to charge me $200 for them because I KNOW I can get the regular ones for $30.
I saw an ad for them in this month's Vogue - or it could have been Harper's Bazaar- I need to check. They didn't seem so much different from the regular Levi's except these are "handmade" - but aren't most jeans made by someone in a factory somewhere? Perhaps I need to research jean manufacturing to find out.
I'm not against Levi's - in fact I have two pairs myself. But they are my cheap standby jeans that I paid 30 something dollars for.
And I certainly don't think these jeans are ugly. They aren't- they are pretty cute. They look nice in the photo. But $200 nice? I want crystal on my ass for $200 dammit!!! How is this REALLY that much better than a pair of regular Levi's? They look the exact same.
And this just scares me.. I REALLY hope these are just rolled up and not pegged. I cannot take pegged jeans coming back. That is worse than flourescent t-shirts that say RELAX on them.
And these are "on sale" for $80 - they were $198. Who pays $198 for a pale pair of jeans. Pale jeans make you look fat. If you are not a super model (And let's face it most of us aren't) you need darker washed jeans. they are slimming. Seriously. Trust me. Dark Denim is your friend.
Posted by
10/16/2007 01:19:00 PM
Labels: 7 for all Mankind, Designer Clothes, Designer Denim, Jeans, Levi's
most. annoying. site. ever.
WTF is the deal with this site? How can anyone actually LOOK at the clothes they potentially want to buy??? Clicking anywhere seems to throw you back to the homepage, the back button totally doesnt work becuase it's all flash. ANNOYING! and then as if that wasn't bad enough.. the freaking clothes move back and forth in a dizzying way to show you the close up. Clicking (which I expected would STOP the MOVEMENT or "my mental model" if you will) just brought me to this insane mosiac view where I have to try to decide which item of clothing I want to view. From a mosiac!?? How do I even know where to look? I have to hover to actually have the little mosiac piece even make sense to see the item.
It could be a belt, hat, gloves, shirt, jeans, pants, spin the wheel who knows... wheeeeeeeeeee WTF! And you can't shop online - I guess it's to promote the store... but with this kind of user experience I think I'll skip it and go right on into Bloomies or Saks.
Let's see.. here's the "wicked useful" mosiac view. This is how I usually like to shop for clothes :S
If the site is this crazy - what does the store look like??? Clothes dancing on racks? Strobes lights and blaring club music? Moving shelves?
They seem to have some cute things, but who can tell with this crazy design? I don't even understand how the designer came up with this concept and how once they started building it - they were able to keep track of what they put where. I'd be totally lost. I mean it's pretty. But it's not useful.
Oh and wait... there's more! if you click on a category.. let's say women / shirt - you then see a SEA, and I mean a SEA of shirts scrolling non-stop on the page! 10 across and 8 down!!!! Who the hell can focus. I cannot scan fast enough to see them. And once again the "mental model" (to use the annoying buzz word people seem obsessed with at my company) is broken becuase hovering doesn't MAKE THEM STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they just keep right on moving! I am dizzy. I feel drunk and it's only 11 in the morning.
now picture this stupid thing scrolling vertically, or better yet go to their website and see it for yourself. It's like a slot machine...
Posted by
10/16/2007 11:39:00 AM
Labels: Annoying Flash Sites, Design, Designer Clothes, Fashion, Online Shopping, Questionable User Experience, Shopping, ui, Uniqlo, user interface, Website Design
I so love this jacket
Elie Tahari has a new fall jacket inspired by a military look. Wow is it CUTE! I love the patent leather colar and trim at the wrists. and the buttons are really cute. Only problem with it - I'm sure my boobs won't fit - you need have no chest to wear this thing. I think I will need to try it on anyway just to be sure though.

Posted by
10/16/2007 11:14:00 AM
Labels: Designer Clothes, Elie Tahari, Fashion, Jackets, Online Shopping, Shopping
This is the coolest thing
Right brained or left?
My co-worker sent me this link and said don't read the text on the left - just look at the picture and tell me which way this person is moving. Ok...
Immediately I said counter clockwise. It was so completely obvious to me. She was shocked - thinking I would definitely see it clockwise (as I am a user interface designer). Then the longer I stared at it - suddenly the damn thing started moving clockwise! and I couldn't see it counter clockwise anymore! When I closed the page and reopened it - it was back to counter clockwise. And now it keeps switching for me.
I am starting to be convinced they are secretly switching out the image and fooling everyone. How else is this possible?
My co-worker was sure I was right-brained and I am pretty sure I am because I am terrible at math. I guess I can use both sides of the braind though since I am able to see this thing moving in both directions. Perhaps this shows why I am able to do UI Design well - I can see both sides Design and Engineering.. who knows.... it's pretty cool though.
Posted by
10/16/2007 11:03:00 AM
Labels: Design, Left Brain, Right Brain
Fantasy Football
First I have to start by saying I love Tom Brady. I loved him before this season. I loved him when Drew Bledsoe got injured and Tom had to step in. Ok now that - that's out of the way...
Last year in fantasty football I got screwed! My computer crashed during the draft AS I WAS DRAFTING BRADY! The world was clearly against me! Another person of course then drafted him out of spike for me ;) and then held it over my head proposing insane trades all season. I ended up with a bunch of so-so players on auto draft while I waited for my computer to restart. That SUCKED.
This year I was prepared. I had pre- selected who I wanted so if I had that failure auto draft would kick in and (hopefully) get me the people I wanted. Mostly Patriots players. Especially Brady and Moss. People laughed at me for drafting Moss claiming he was old, but I thought he would be good. So far he has been - although some weeks haven't been as great as others (fantasy points wise). Overall I am psyched he's doing so well for the Patriots and we're winning games! Plus he got that record of catching a TD every Monday night game he's every played.. WTG!
So this week Tom being the amazing quaterback that he is - got me 40 something points on fantasy! YEY! Yahoo sports is listing him as the #1 QB in fantasy football on the 'hot' list. I expected nothing less. It's gotta suck being on the 'not' list. Which Kurt Warner is on, but cut that guy a break - he has to be doing better than Matt Leinart was doing before he broke his shoulder or collarbone or whatever it was.
So now I don't know what I am going to do when the Patriots have a bye week - because 60% of my fantasy team is the Pats. I'm screwed. Right now I'm 5-1 - yey! But it's still early - there are 10 weeks left anything could happen. My backup players just aren't performing well enough to make up for the Pats. Hopefully I can afford to lose that game on the bye week....
Posted by
10/16/2007 09:02:00 AM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, Patriots, Randy Moss, Sports, Tom Brady
Monday, October 15, 2007
favorite new albums
I love the new Pornographers new album and Band of Horses.. Catchy songs.. I'm digging it. I've only listened to each once.. so I need some more time, but so far I am liking it. Dashboard Confessional came out with a new album that also seems promising. I need to take another listen.
and now this week there is nothing new. the Newbury Comics coupons aren't very exciting this week. I have enough pint glasses. I want a good album. Maybe Jimmy Eat World will be ok, but I don't know..
Posted by
10/15/2007 11:07:00 PM
Labels: alternative, music, rock
I love Barneys
Barneys always has the most eclectic stuff. I feel like I find things there no other store has. And it's usually cool.
And they aren't afraid to take risks like with window displays at Christmas and their catalogs - the "Andy Warholidays" last year - which honestly was a stretch - Yet intriguing at the same time. And it seems they sell up and coming designers - which seems like a risk for a store... But what do I know? I just know it’s usually pretty interesting.
Their catalogs always have the coolest stuff. Now on my salary I can only dream about the 'main floor' clothes and have to shop at the Co-OP... But the shoes - it's like an addiction – I buy all levels of shoes. I don't do heroin. I do shoes.
Like this Versace jacket from the main floor. OMG I love it. It's like a little bell. I'm sure it feels fabulous too. It’s just gorgeous. But it's 5 grand. I just can't spend that :( I wish I could. I need a raise. Maybe it will be on a sale rack at the end of the season, but that’s doubtful – it’s too cute.

Posted by
10/15/2007 10:23:00 PM
Labels: Barneys, Designer Clothes, Fashion, Lanvin, Shoes, Shopping, Versace
7 Jeans
Ok so I am a HUGE fan of 7 for all mankind jeans. I think they fit fabulously. I also like Rock & Republic and True Religion. And I am a fan of houndstooth jackets. I think they have a great retro look.
But now I see this. 7 houndstooth jeans. two of my favorite things.. houndstooth and 7, but I don't think it works. together is not better in this case. I don't know. I'm not digging it - especially for $210. I want my jeans to be jeans. perhaps I need to see these in the flesh, but I think 7 should stick with making super cute jeans.
Posted by
10/15/2007 10:16:00 PM
Labels: 7 for all Mankind, Designer Clothes, Fashion, Jeans, Shopping
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Love those Patriots... 6-0 YEY!!!
Now if only my stupid matchup on Yahoo would refresh I would know how well my fantasy team did. I can only hope Brady, Moss and the NE Defense got lots of points for me!
Posted by
10/14/2007 08:10:00 PM
Labels: Fantasy Football, Football, Patriots, Randy Moss, Sports, Tom Brady
Friday, October 12, 2007
Pure Lust:
Such a shame I already brought animal print shoes 2 months ago.... These Manolos are just too cute!
Posted by
10/12/2007 10:58:00 PM
Labels: Designer Clothes, Fashion, Manolo Blahnik, Shoes, Shopping
I LOVE this Ferragamo bag!
I can't seem to find a photo of it, but I know I've seen this bag in a gun metal color. I saw it at Bloomingdales last month, but I can't find a photo. However, this black is such a classic handbag - a perfect accessory. I think it's a must in any fashionista’s wardrobe. :)
I really wanted the gun metal one, but I ended up feeling that the price was too high for a trendy style (metallic). But the black one, now that's an investment piece I can have for years and years.
Hello new friend.....
Posted by
10/12/2007 10:35:00 PM
Labels: Designer Clothes, Fashion, Ferragamo, Handbags, Shopping
Thursday, October 11, 2007
UGGH - Really?
I have to first start by saying: I never got the UGG boot thing. I don't like them. They look like boots sherpas should be wearing to climb everest - not out and about on the town.
Second thing: I don't really get Juicy couture. I haven't seen a handbag of theirs that I've liked. I'm not interested in lettering across my ass, so I haven't found any of their clothes to my taste. I *have* seen a few cute pairs of shoes by Juicy (namely a pair of cute patent mary janes).
But now.. I just don't get these. This Juicy boot is not ghetto fabulous like their other stuff with all kinds of gold bling.... It's pink knit UGGs.
UGH - That is what I have to say about these:
Who are these made for? 5 year olds? Why do I want a pom pom hanging off a $300 boot? and really if I am paying for a $300 boot I want it to look cuter than the wool hats and mittens my nana knitted for me when I was a kid. and it's like a mary jane with a wool sock! It's strange.
Posted by
10/11/2007 09:28:00 PM
Labels: Boots, Fashion, Juicy Couture, Shoes, Shopping, Ugg, ugly shoes
Driving in MA Part 2...
Well today on my way to work I was behind a truck - who totally ignored the yield sign at the rotary and barreled into the damn thing at 40 mph. While on the one hand I am happy someone is finally doing the speed limit, WTF dude - it says YIELD!!!
When I got to the rotary I yielded, but the idiot in the rotary already seemed unaware of the rules and stopped! Then since I had stopped - he waves like 'thanks so much for letting me go when I am too stupid to realize I already had the right of way'. Ya no problem buddy.
And another thing I forgot last night... what the hell is wrong with these people that start slowing down when they are approaching a green light. It's like they are anticipating the red before the freaking thing even turned yellow!! It's a green light idiot - GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was recently behind a person that came to a FULL STOP at a green, and then went! I was blasting on the horn. Not only is this infuriating, it's unsafe! It could cause accidents stopping at a green!!! And not only that - yellow just means proceed with CAUTION. Not slam on your fucking breaks the second the light changes. If you can safely proceed through the light before it turns red - you go, if you can't you stop. It's really simple. But I'm always behind the person that sees it turn yellow and slams the brakes and stop. After this happens 3 or 4 cars have to slam their brakes and almost hit this person. And then I watch how many cars get to drive through on the opposite side (usually 3 cars).
Let's see how much of a joy my commute home is during rush hour in the rain... I can't wait!
Posted by
10/11/2007 06:15:00 PM
Labels: commute, Driving In Massachusetts, Idiot Drivers
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Driving in Massachusetts
Why is it that half the people on the road can't seem to drive? How did these people get their licenses?
People especially can't seem to maneuver a rotary in MA. Why are rotaries such a difficult thing to navigate? They shouldn’t be if you follow the rules of the road. In my daily commute I have to drive through 10 rotaries (5 each way). And why doesn't anyone grasp that the person in the rotary HAS THE FUCKING RIGHT OF WAY?!!!!! The people attempting to enter the rotary are supposed to yield to the cars already in the rotary!!!!! And if for some reason people aren't aware of these rules - there are YIELD signs as you approach the rotary to alert the cars approaching the rotary they need to yield. So why is it every single fucking day I am behind someone who STOPS in the rotary to let people in, or I get cut off by someone thinking the people entering the rotary have the right of way!!!!!?? WHY WHY WHY??? This makes me INSANE! Most days this happens more than once too. When I beep at the people who fly out into the rotary as if they have the right of way (maybe they missed the large YIELD sign!!?) they act like I’m the jerk – like the people in the rotary should be yielding to them. But that isn’t how rotaries work in Massachusetts – the sooner they get this the easier it is for everyone in the rotary.
And who are these people that want to drive 10-15 MPH SLOWER than the speed limit??! They wonder why people have road rage - this is why!!!! If you can get pulled over for driving 10-15 mph OVER the speed limit, why don't they pull people over for driving 10-15 mph UNDER the speed limit!!!!???? Isn’t this just as dangerous? The road I take to work is 35 or 40 mph most of my ride. Yet I am always stuck behind the person who wants to drive 25 mph or maybe 30 mph if I'm lucky.
The only times people should be driving 10-15 mph under the speed limit are:
- during a heavy rainstorm
- during a snowstorm
- on Halloween when there are tons of kids running around
- when are driving your car in some kind of a parade
- when you have run out of gas and are coasting to a stop (hopefully you’ve put your hazards on by this point)
If a person is driving on dry clear roads why why why would you drive 25 in a 40??? To make the people behind you crazy? Because you can't see the speedometer and are unaware you are driving so slowly? If you can't drive 40 mph in a 40 mph zone and there isn't anything prohibiting you from doing so (like the acceptable list above) - hire a driver, call a cab, or take a bus - you shouldn't be driving – ever!
Now I'm not for excessive speed, I'm just wishing people would actually drive the posted speed! And while I’m at it – using your blinker to let people behind you know what the hell you are doing is kind of helpful. Why do so many people fail to do this?
Then there are the people who refuse to drive the posted speed, AND when the lane goes to 2 lanes - refuse to move to the right either!!! Slower traffic is supposed to move to the right! Why can't these people accept they are the slower traffic and move aside, why do they try to force people to either stay behind them, or have to pass them on the right!?
Driving in Massachusetts is a competitive sport – drivers need to get their game on.
Posted by
10/10/2007 08:28:00 PM
Labels: commute, Driving In Massachusetts, Idiot Drivers
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Ok so I have finally entered the world of blogging. What took me so long? I don't know...
Why anyone really cares what I will have to say is beyond me.
Posted by
10/09/2007 11:06:00 PM